Climate + Small Biz Summer School: Operationalizing Climate Programs 

Saying you want to do climate work and doing the work means money and buy-in from your clients and organization. The good news on the funding front is that the federal and state governments are investing heavily in climate response. Learn about new opportunities to fund your loan programs and business technical assistance to incorporate climate response. On small business buy-in, what does it take for small businesses to take action and how can we debunk the economic vs environmental justice conflict.

Note: This course is part of a 4-part series. You can watch it as a stand alone course or watch the entire series. See this course for a bundle deal.
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Liza Rivera-Gonzalez

Liza Rivera has nearly a decade’s worth of experience working in the nonprofit sector leading all aspects of economic and green space initiatives, developing grassroots movements, and honing her skills as an organizational leader, facilitator, and educator. In her last role as program director, she created a home craft program that empowers women in low-income communities to increase their income through selling self-made products. This program provided entrepreneurs, regardless of their legal status, with one-to-one business coaching, access to startup capital, education, and a marketplace to sell their products and services online and in-person.