Climate Resiliency Cohort

The purpose of CAMEO Network’s Climate Resiliency Cohort is to close the gap between California’s small business ecosystem and the climate resiliency infrastructure. Currently, our ecosystem does not consider climate resiliency except as an infrequent workshop on disaster recovery or preparedness. We believe the small business ecosystem can be a partner in the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions instead of letting the environmental sector or high-tech companies do the work. 

The curricula is designed to help participants
  • incorporate climate resilient strategies into business coaching programming and lending products and
  • create, strengthen, and implement products, services, and tools for the small businesses you service.

As more tools roll out, we hope to add more webinars to the curriculum.

Some sessions may be more appropriate for CDFIs, and some for TA-focused organizations. We encourage learning about all aspects of the green economy and how it relates to small businesses.  
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Created by 

Elena Franco

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