Crowdfunding to Bankability

Crowdfunding converts a business’s intangible assets, such as goodwill and social capital, into tangible financial assets and annually provides over $1B in capital to businesses of all sizes.

Kathleen Minogue, Founder & CEO, Crowdfund Better, provides foundational knowledge of what crowdfunding is and will explore ways crowdfunding can strengthen a business’s loan application.
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About the Instructor

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Kathleen Minogue

Kathleen Minogue is Founder & CEO of Crowdfund Better, the leading crowdfunding education and training organization in the U.S. since 2012. She is creator of The Crowdfund Better Process®, the first crowdfunding technical assistance curriculum built to increase campaign success while strengthening business fundamentals, and the Crowdfund Better Certified Advisor® program, the first professional development training program for advisors. She advocates for using crowdfunding as a path to bankability and is focused on crowdfunding as a tool to encourage entrepreneurship, economic development, and job creation particularly for women, minority, veteran, and rural entrepreneurs.